Oh me! Oh My! Rizzo spots with her little eye, a SISSY! Dressed as one FUCKED UP missy! LOL

This nightmare fuel was brought to you by the “Lovely” Sissybaby Laurel. He’s wearing a beautiful pink bow on his head and and a top reminiscent of the circus he must have escaped from.

Here’s SissyBaby Laurel assuming the position for the spanking he knows he deserves.
I don’t think that spanking is coming though. His diaper looks full. I ain’t going nowhere near it! 😐
Before you get out the pitchforks and come to get me, Sissybaby Laurel gave me permission to use these pictures and humiliate him online.
It’s actually what I get paid for. My life is so fun! 🤣🤣🤣
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